Treatments for Diabetic Foot Wounds and fractures
Diabetes is a very common disease nowadays, but it can be fatal if you have some medical history related to the heart. As you know, Diabetes is a chronic disease that causes a rise in blood sugar levels. It weakens the immune system by which it becomes more difficult for the body to fight infections, which can harm the nervous system. This damage results in loss of ability to feel sensations in the feet. There are many treatments for diabetic foot wounds in Oswego. Let's find out what are they:-
Wound care
your foot is wounded, clean it first, remove the dead tissues around it and
then apply an antiseptic on the affected area to keep it sterile until it
heals. There are many ointments in the market, but make sure it should be a
topical antibacterial ointment, which speeds up the recovery and stops the
infection from spreading further.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
this treatment, a person lies back on a comfortable bed inside a transparent
chamber which is connected to a machine that fills the chamber with 100%
oxygen. Breathing pure oxygen increases the oxygen amount in the blood, which
supports the healing process.
If you
have an infected wound on your foot, there is a major chance it can spread to
tissues or bone, so doctors prescribe antibiotics that are given through the
veins. If the infection is minor, they prescribe oral medication, which will
cure the disease.
contains three types of surgeries: vascular surgery, Achilles tendon
lightening, and debridement. By these methods, the wound and the infected area
are operated on and removed to prevent them from spreading further.
of fractures
- A partial or complete break of bone is known as a
fracture. Fractures in the ankle can be less serious or can be shattering
type breaks. Ankle fractures are commonly caused due to twisting of the
ankle inward or outward. Let's find out what are fractures treatment in Naperville. Follow
the RICE protocol- rest, ice, compression, elevation. Some additional
treatments are immobilization and medication if it is serious surgery.
- Common fractures
treatments in Oswego are
Splinting/ bracing, casting or booting and surgery. It depends on the
fracture which kind of treatment a patient needs; if a patient suffers a
minor fracture, casting or booting can help it heal, but if it is severe
and the patient has a fractured tibia or fibula, then surgery is needed.
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