How to take care of diabetes patients?

Diabetes is a lifetime disease. Once someone is detected with diabetes, those patients have to go through this for whole life. There are many ways to control it, but there is no way to cure diabetes fully. There are several health problems caused by diabetes in one's body like; Heart disease, Nerve damage, vision loss, wounds on the feet and leg. A diabetes patient is prone to every disease, and taking care of health is necessary. For diabetic patients, taking care of their leg and foot is very important as wounds and ulcers tend to happen. A wound in the foot can cause due to Walking with a tight-fitting shoe A little stone stuck on a shoe or finger can also cause wounds as feet are sensitive in diabetes patients. A little injury in your foot can also cause a wound No proper care for toenails Not having a proper diet or exercise routine can also cause wounds. Due to nerve damage in diabetes, it is impossible to feel pain or some injury. So if on...