How does ankle arthroscopy work?

Arthroscopy, or arthroscopic surgery, is a form of minimally invasive joint surgery that involves inserting a small camera into a small incision made specifically in the body, so doctors can observe the area closely without the need for a doctor's examination larger opening. Another small incision allows surgical instruments to be inserted into the area. Because of the small holes in the body and the delicate chamber, the operation is a much more minimally invasive procedure to repair the joints than conventional surgical methods. Podiatrist in Oswego can be used to diagnose or repair several diseases, most notably torn floating cartilage, torn surface cartilage, cartilage reduction, and ACL reconstruction. Ligaments, menisci, and cartilage can be identified and repaired. While arthroscopy is most commonly performed on the knees, arthroscopy can also be performed on virtually any joint in the body, including the shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle, ankle, and hip join...